sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

El "Gastón Acurio" de los metaleros

La cocina es un mundo infinito. No es de extrañar que de pronto se presente un chef metalero y vegetariano al mismo tiempo, y se mande con una receta que yo francamente no me atrevería a probar. O tal vez sí, si me agarra en mi cuarto de hora de nihilismo culinario. Juzguen ustedes.

El propio cocinero de la oscuridad explica en su web su opción vegetariana (como si eso fuera lo más raro que debería explicar):
"The fast reason I tell people why I am vegan is that I do not believe in the exploitation of animals. Exploitation in this case means that the animal suffers for our benefit (duh). Most animals raised for food live in what I would consider a darker hell than one even I could ever imagine. The best parts of their lives is their moment of death. Chickens live in tiny cages among mountains of shit, Cattle live in crowded factory farms on cement floors. Pigs live in crowded pens, or if its a female that has just given birth, live in tiny “gestation crates” where they can not even turn around. Turkeys are given so many hormones that they grow too fast for their bones to support them [...]".
Tan simple como eso: los chef metaleros tienen moral.


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